Here's an example of how one salesperson sold so many printers with the high-priced add-ons. It's simple! He gained the confidence of the customer in a quick, succinct fashion. How you ask? Well, here's how he did it. The ink jet printer aisle boasted over twenty printers to choose from. Our salesperson, we'll call him Luther, zeroed in on 'one' nice, reasonably priced printer and learned everything there was to learn about it. Luther did the same thing on the laser printer aisle.
Whenever a customer came in to get a recommendation on a printer that best suited his needs, our ingenious Luther would always lead him to this 'special' printer. Mr. Customer would be so impressed with the knowledge and service Luther extended, he would become putty in Luther's hand. So from there, no matter what Luther recommended, it was a comfortable 'yes!' This included the high priced cable, the high priced ink and paper and most importantly the high priced Extended Warranty.
We did not call them extended warranty's because of the stigma attached to the manufacturer's warranty. You'll hear them called something else which includes product protection, depending on which retailer you visit. These plans are so important to the overall profit of the store that when we ran out of Luther's printer, I set up several transfers with other stores in the area to pick them up myself.
It amazed me how he gained the confidence of so many customers in so little time. And they would buy anything he recommended! Even the overpriced items and the questionable protection plans. (More about these plans in a later post.)
So here's the advice I recommended to you. Do your own homework! Two previous posts for you to read or reread are, Why Must I Do My Own Product Research (2-1) and Product Research: So Simple Even A Baby Can Do It (2-3!) Take advantage of the retailer for a change by resisting the appearance of a salesperson's confidence. It may be legitimate or it may be a ploy to gain access to the deeper recesses of your pocket!
Avoid any possibility by being an informed consumer
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The definition of a chump:
a gullible person, a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of, the target of a scam.
Learn from a former salesperson and trainer how salespeople drive sales. Learn how to keep more money in your pocket where it belongs! There are two ends of every sales stick! One end cries 'chump.' The other end boasts 'champ.' I know which end of the stick I want to be. How about you?
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