
Friday, March 25, 2011

How Can I Fix a Badly Infected PC?

Malware Infestation!

If the malware infestation in your PC is so bad that it is beyond repair, please carefully consider your next option.  What your retail repair store will want to do is charge you $120 to recover the hard drive back to factory settings.  This will wipe out all programs, files and information you have added since you got your computer.  If you have a backup of your important files and know how to reinstall them this may be a good option.

If you want to save money and try to fix it yourself, read on.

Recovering a hard drive is something you may be able to do yourself.  But before you take this drastic measure try these simple steps.  Your repair store may or may not have tried this already.

First, try to enter your computer through the Safe Mode.  Restart your PC and continue pressing F8 until it starts booting up in Safe Mode.  You will know this by the different sequence it goes through.

When in Safe Mode access the Internet and scan your computer with Malwarebytes.  Click on the link for directions on how to download and use Malwarebytes.

If you cannot access the Internet and you are using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, try loading a different browser such as Mozilla Firefox.  You will have to get access to a working computer to download the program on to a flash drive.  After loading Firefox or Chrome on to your PC try to access the Internet to download Marlwarebytes and scan your computer.  This link is about the value of other browsers.

This may clear up the problem, but chances are there is more work to do.  I would leave the rest to a professional because the program HackThis is a specialized program used by someone in the ‘know.’  Click here for a recommendation on where to get free Tech Support that will walk you through stubborn malware removal.

When all else fails you can most likely recover your own computer.  If you are unsure how, come back tomorrow to learn how.

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The definition of a chump:
a gullible person, a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of, the target of a scam.

Learn from a former salesperson and trainer how salespeople drive sales. Learn how to keep more money in your pocket where it belongs! There are two ends of every sales stick!  One end cries 'chump.'  The other end boasts 'champ.'  I know which end of the stick I want to be.  How about you?

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  1. I think my printer has malwares. I will use this tutorial to clean it up.

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