
Friday, January 28, 2011

The Greeting or Setting the Rapport

Okay, how else do good salespeople drive sales?  After the salesperson engages you in conversation the next step is to establish a good rapport.'  This is done with a smile, of course, and possible compliments (especially when selling in the home) that flatter you, your children, your decor or anything else that may bring a smile to your face.

Don't misunderstand... all this flattery may be true because you are everything nice that's being said.  It's just good to know that salespeople are taught to warm up to you and to do everything possible to allow you to warm up to them.  It makes sense, doesn't it?  I mean, who's going to buy from someone they don't like?

Building a rapport is important because the immediate goal is to gain your trust.  The more you trust the easier it will be to close the sale. First name overuse is a sure sign a salesperson is trying to cozy up with you.  He or she will tell you their name, ask you your name and use it like you've been best buddies for years.  To me it just sounds strange when a stranger uses my name too much.  I'm embarrassed for him because it's obvious he's trying way too hard.

Here's a hint to any salespeople out there... use the name sparingly. Refrain from being too obvious.  It is true... sometimes less is more!

A good salesperson uses body language to its full advantage.  Yours and theirs.  I'll tell you about it in the next post!

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The definition of a chump:  
a gullible person, a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of, the target of a scam.  

Learn how salespeople drive sales from a former salesperson and trainer and keep more money in your pocket where it belongs! There are two ends of every sales stick!  One end cries 'chump.'  The other end boasts 'champ.'  I know which end of the stick I want to be.  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. You just keep 'em comin! I can hardly wait to see what you say next!
