
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Do Salespeople Have To Lie?

What a question!  Honestly, I've had to lie, or embellish the truth, or disguise the truth, or however else you want to describe deception.  I have withheld relevant information to get a customer or client to say 'yes' to the deal.    "Why?" you may ask.  Well, when it comes down to it, me and my family's welfare takes precedence over a 'stranger's' situation.  Aren't we all like that (well, most of us?)  Don't we put ourselves, family and friend's welfare above a stranger's?

What you, as a consumer, need to understand is that, in almost all cases, you are the stranger. (Exception: buying a used car or insurance from your brother-in-law!) The salesman has many more priorities to tend to than to take care of your financial welfare.  That's what this blog is all about; teaching you to take care of your financial welfare!

The salesperson has commissions to make, (this takes care of their personal needs,) a paycheck to generate, a boss to mollify (the pressure can be horrendous,) a company to earn profits for (the paycheck,) a peer group to keep up with (internal competition,) a contest to win and so on.  Unfortunately, you, as a consumer, are on the bottom of any priority list.  Your purpose is to help achieve these goals!  The sooner you understand this next statement the better.

No matter how your salesperson has put you at ease, you're not friends!  You're a customer!  You are a customer that helps make any of the above happen!

The purpose of this weblog is to equip you with knowledge and information to not end up feeling like a chump!

The first lie I had to tell was over twenty years ago when I sold pre-need cemetery property for a major corporation.  As a 'memorial counselor' I spent a month memorizing my in-home presentation.  During my first time on my own I impressed the senior female client so much with my 'genuine' presentation she had to ask, "How long have you been doing this?"

The answer I was told to give (by my sales manager) if asked that question during the first few months of selling went like this.

"Oh, it feels like forever!"

I didn't think I'd have to use that one so soon into my cemetery selling career, but I did.  And guess what?  It worked!  The couple purchased their pre-need cemetery property from me and I went back to the office with my first sale and commission.  That answer still bugs me to this day.  Why couldn't I have just told the truth?  Here's the answer!  They may have lost confidence in me and not purchased anything that day.

Are you beginning to see how 'it' works?!  More about lying tomorrow.

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The definition of a chump:
a gullible person, a sucker; someone easily taken advantage of, the target of a scam.

Learn from a former salesperson and trainer how salespeople drive sales. Learn how to keep more money in your pocket where it belongs! There are two ends of every sales stick!  One end cries 'chump.'  The other end boasts 'champ.'  I know which end of the stick I want to be.  How about you?

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